Tag Archives: Sean Bean

Not New Review: Equilibrium (2002)

[movie title=”Equilibrium (2002)” meta=”director|genres|actors|overview”]

If you are like me and are a fan of such books as Brave New World, 1984, and The Giver or movies like The MatrixLogan’s Run, and Gattaca Equilibrium is just the movie for you. In addition to a terrifying plot set in our very own future, the movie has beautifully choreographed action sequences and spectacular acting on the part of Christian Bale. I hate predictable movies and this one could have been predictable because it has a lot of things in common with other films of its time. This explains its dismal performance at the box office and even its negative critical reception, but I think Equilibrium is a worthy addition to the genre and presents a unique story that will keep you riveted in suspense the majority of the time.

The action takes place in Libria, a generic futuristic metropolis where peace reigns supreme after a ruler known as “the Father” has eradicated war, hatred, rage and jealousy by requiring all citizens to be dosed with regular injections of Prozium, a soul-deadening designer drug that erases all emotion.


Unfortunately, this also removed all joy, love and compassion from the world, but “to make an omelet,” right? Those who dare to feel are branded as “sense offenders,” sniffed out by “intuitive” government operatives, then snuffed out by special police forces.

Anyone who has read dystopian fiction will have images galore of which to feed off. Remember the book burnings in Fahrenheit 451? Here, all works of art and literature are incinerated, including the original Mona Lisa. I’m sure that some would say that this kind of sci-fi escapism makes them think, but thinking is allowed in this world. Feeling is what makes us human, and this drama begs us to feel.

The enforcers of this branch of the government are called “clerics,” clearly meant to be an anti-church sentiment. Christian Bale plays the highest-ranking enforcement official. His brooding demeanor suits his role as an enforcer turned rebel. He is able to smite dozens of armed men with his bare hands. Initially, you question the physics of such fights, but by the end of the film, I understood that Christopher Nolan must have seen this film. Have you ever seen the things that Batman does? Most of them are completely impossible, and many are implausible. But they are entertaining and we suspend our disbelief because the story is good. It is the same thing here.

This is definitely not a masterpiece. There are giant plot holes and parts which are laughable and don’t feel like they fit, but at the end of the day it was a good story about Batman saving a puppy. Pick it up from the $2 bin at Walmart and add it to your collection. It is worth the lesson that life is not worth living without emotion. So watch this film. Let it wash over you until you feel as grey as its stark landscape. Then take it as a reminder and go watch a real movie with exquisite beauty that will actually make you feel something. Because what are we if we don’t feel?